Rocket Mortgage Takes Aim at UWM with New Initiative: Empowering Brokers

Rocket Mortgage challenges UWM’s divisive policy with the Bully Shield program, financially supporting brokers who opt not to comply. Empowering choice in the mortgage industry.

Rocket Mortgage has set its sights on United Wholesale Mortgage (UWM) with an exciting new initiative that aims to empower brokers. In a recent webinar, Rocket Pro TPO’s Executive Vice President, Mike Fawaz, announced the “Bully Shield” program. This initiative offers financial support and covers court costs for brokers who choose not to comply with UWM’s controversial guidelines. With this move, Rocket is challenging UWM’s dominance in the mortgage industry and providing brokers with newfound freedom in choosing their lending partners.

Rocket Pro TPO’s Ignite Live Webinar

Rocket Pro TPO’s Ignite Live webinar made a major announcement, unveiling Rocket’s ambitious goal to challenge UWM’s divisive policy. With their new initiative called “Bully Shield,” Rocket is empowering brokers by financially backing those who choose not to comply with UWM’s guidelines. This program will absorb the 1% down payment penalties and court costs for brokers, providing them with the freedom to partner with any lender of their choosing.

Rocket Pro TPO’s Ignite Live webinar unveiled their new initiative, “Bully Shield,” which financially supports brokers who choose not to comply with UWM’s guidelines. This program absorbs penalties and court costs, giving brokers the freedom to work with any lender they prefer.

UWM’s controversial policy requires brokers to sever ties with competitors like Rocket Mortgage and Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp. However, Rocket is taking a direct approach and supporting brokers who want to work with them without fearing legal action from UWM. The Bully Shield initiative aims to level the playing field by providing financial protection for these independent brokers.

In addition, this move showcases Rocket Mortgage’s commitment to empowering industry professionals by amplifying their options and ensuring they have more control over their partnerships in the mortgage industry.

Major Announcement: Rocket’s New Initiative

Revolutionizing the broker experience, Rocket Mortgage’s new initiative, “Bully Shield,” aims to enhance technology and tools for brokers while expanding loan options. By financially backing brokers who choose not to comply with United Wholesale Mortgage’s divisive guidelines, Rocket empowers them to partner with any lender of their choosing. This ambitious goal challenges UWM’s policy and provides a direct solution for brokers who may be intimidated by legal action from UWM owner Mat Ishbia.

In an effort to level the playing field and support brokers’ freedom of choice, Rocket Mortgage takes aim at UWM with its innovative “Bully Shield” program. This initiative not only absorbs financial penalties imposed by UWM but also covers court costs for non-compliant brokers. By revolutionizing the broker experience through enhanced technology and tools while expanding loan options beyond restrictive guidelines, Rocket enables brokers to thrive independently in a fiercely competitive market. Empowering brokers is at the forefront of this major announcement as Rocket continues its mission to provide unparalleled support in the mortgage industry.

Challenging UWM’s Policy

Creating a Competitive Advantage: Rocket Mortgage’s new initiative, “Bully Shield,” aims to challenge UWM’s policy by financially backing brokers who choose not to comply with UWM’s guidelines. This program not only absorbs the financial penalties that UWM might impose but also covers the court costs, empowering brokers with more options and leveling the playing field.

Empowering Brokers with More Options: Rocket Mortgage’s initiative grants brokers the freedom to partner with any lender of their choosing, without being obligated to collaborate solely with Rocket or Fairway. By providing this support, Rocket aims to empower brokers and allow them to make their own decisions based on what is best for their business.

Leveling the Playing Field: With its new initiative, Rocket Mortgage is taking a proactive stance against UWM’s divisive policies. By offering financial protection and legal coverage for non-compliant brokers through “Bully Shield,” Rocket seeks to level the playing field and ensure that all industry professionals have equal opportunities and choices in conducting their business.

Background on UWM’s Policy

Understanding UWM’s Dominance in the Mortgage Industry

UWM, as one of the largest wholesale mortgage lenders in the United States, has established its dominance through various factors. Their investment in technology streamlines the application process and provides efficiency for brokers and clients. Competitive rates, excellent customer service, comprehensive product offerings, educational resources, strong broker relationships, and financial stability contribute to UWM’s reputation as a top wholesale lender.

“Lender of Choice” Strategy by UWM

UWM’s policy requires brokers to sever ties with competitors like Rocket Mortgage and Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp or face penalties and legal action. This strategy aims to solidify UWM as the preferred lender among brokers while eliminating competition.

Conquesting Competition in Wholesale Lending

Rocket Mortgage recently announced their new initiative called “Bully Shield,” which financially backs brokers who choose not to comply with UWM’s guidelines. This move challenges UWM’s policy by empowering brokers with an alternative option that covers potential penalties imposed by UMW while granting them freedom to partner with any lender they prefer.

Rocket’s Initiative: Bully Shield

is a game-changing program that supports brokers who choose not to comply with UWM’s divisive guidelines. By absorbing financial penalties and covering court costs, Rocket empowers brokers to partner with any lender of their choosing, without fear of legal action from UWM owner Mat Ishbia. This initiative truly prioritizes broker freedom and offers a shield against intimidation tactics in the mortgage industry.

Rocket Mortgage Takes Aim at UWM with New Initiative: Empowering Brokers

Program Details

  • Enhanced loan processing technology
  • Streamlined underwriting process
  • Dedicated support team for brokers

Supporting Broker Freedom

Flexible commission structure: Rocket Mortgage’s new initiative empowers brokers by offering them a flexible commission structure. This means that brokers have the freedom to negotiate and customize their commission rates based on their individual business needs, allowing them to maximize their earnings potential.

Access to a wide range of loan products: Brokers partnering with Rocket Mortgage gain access to an extensive portfolio of loan products. This wide range of options enables brokers to cater to diverse client needs and preferences, ensuring they can offer the best solutions for each borrower’s unique situation.

Ability to brand and customize marketing materials: With Rocket Mortgage, brokers have the ability to brand and customize their marketing materials. This allows brokers to establish and promote their own professional identity while leveraging the resources and support provided by Rocket Mortgage, giving them a competitive edge in the market.

Why UWM is Viewed as a Top Wholesale Lender


1. Technology: UWM’s investment in technology allows for faster and more efficient mortgage application and approval processes, benefiting both brokers and clients.

2. Competitive Rates: UWM is known for offering competitive mortgage rates, making them an attractive option for brokers and borrowers alike.

3. Customer Service: With high marks for customer service, UWM provides robust support to brokers throughout the lending process.

4. Comprehensive Product Offerings: UWM offers a wide range of mortgage products, enabling brokers to meet the diverse needs of their clients effectively.

5. Educational Resources: Through training programs and educational resources, UWM supports broker development, especially helpful for those new to the industry or seeking growth opportunities.

6. Strong Broker Relationships: By prioritizing the broker channel over retail lenders, UWM fosters strong relationships with its broker partners.

7. Scale and Financial Stability: As one of the largest wholesale lenders in the US market, UWM’s financial stability allows them to offer various perks and benefits to their broker partners.

Technology and Efficiency

Digital mortgage platforms like Rocket Mortgage are revolutionizing the industry with their streamlined application process and automated underwriting. These technologies allow borrowers to complete their mortgage applications online, eliminating the need for extensive paperwork and reducing processing time. The automated underwriting systems analyze borrower data and credit scores to quickly determine loan eligibility, making the approval process more efficient than ever before. With these advancements, lenders can provide a faster and more convenient experience for both brokers and borrowers while maintaining accuracy and compliance.

Competitive Rates

Low interest rates, flexible loan options, and a rate match guarantee are just some of the ways Rocket Mortgage offers competitive rates for mortgage brokers. With low interest rates, brokers can provide their clients with affordable financing solutions. The flexibility in loan options allows brokers to tailor mortgage products to meet their clients’ specific needs. Additionally, the rate match guarantee ensures that brokers can offer competitive rates that match or beat those of other lenders in the market. With these advantages, Rocket Mortgage empowers brokers to secure the best terms for their clients and stay ahead in a highly competitive industry.

Customer Service Excellence

Dedicated broker support team: Rocket Mortgage provides a dedicated team of experts to assist brokers throughout the lending process, ensuring that they have the guidance and resources they need for success.

Quick response times to inquiries: Brokers can expect prompt responses to their inquiries from Rocket Mortgage, allowing them to move forward quickly with their clients’ needs.

‘White glove’ service approach: Rocket Mortgage takes a ‘white glove’ service approach, going above and beyond to provide exceptional customer service and support for brokers.

  • Dedicated broker support team
  • Quick response times to inquiries
  • ‘White glove’ service approach

Comprehensive Product Offerings

  • Diverse range of loan programs (conventional, FHA, VA)
  • Specialized products for unique borrower needs (jumbo loans, renovation loans)
  • Innovative solutions like Rocket Pro Insight for real-time loan status tracking.

Educational Resources

In addition to its other strengths, UWM provides valuable educational resources for mortgage brokers. These resources can help professionals stay updated on industry trends, enhance their knowledge and skills, and ultimately better serve their clients.

With a focus on offering comprehensive training programs and access to informative webinars, UWM ensures that brokers have the necessary tools to succeed in a competitive market. From beginner-level courses to advanced workshops, these educational resources cater to professionals at all stages of their career.

By investing in continuous learning and professional development through UWM’s educational offerings, mortgage brokers can position themselves as trusted advisors who are well-equipped to navigate complex lending scenarios and provide value-added services to borrowers.

Strong Broker Relationships

Frequent communication with brokers allows us to understand their needs and challenges, ensuring that we can provide the support they require to succeed. We invest in long-term partnerships with brokers based on trust, recognizing that a mutually beneficial relationship is built on open communication and shared goals. To further strengthen our connections with brokers, we have created an advisory board composed of top-performing individuals from the industry who provide valuable insights and guidance.

Scale and Financial Stability

Rocket Mortgage, a subsidiary of Quicken Loans, is the nation’s largest mortgage lender. With its strong financial foundation, it can offer competitive pricing strategies to brokers and borrowers alike. Additionally, Rocket Mortgage has the capacity to handle high volume without sacrificing quality or efficiency, ensuring a seamless experience for all parties involved in the mortgage process.

Rocket Mortgage’s new Bully Shield initiative is a testament to our commitment to supporting brokers in the industry. We understand the challenges that brokers face when it comes to complying with UWM’s divisive guidelines. That is why we are stepping up to financially back brokers who choose not to sever ties with Rocket Mortgage and Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp.

Under UWM’s policy, brokers who choose to work with Rocket Mortgage or Fairway Independent Mortgage Corp are subjected to financial penalties and even legal repercussions. This has created a hostile environment that limits brokers’ freedom to choose the lenders they want to work with. Rocket Mortgage believes that brokers should have the autonomy to partner with any lender of their choosing without fear of retribution.

With our Bully Shield initiative, we are taking a stand against this unfair policy. We will absorb the financial penalties that UWM might impose on brokers and cover the court costs for those who prefer not to comply with UWM’s conditions. This initiative is not about forcing brokers to work with Rocket Mortgage; it’s about granting them the freedom to make their own choices.

At Rocket Mortgage, we believe in empowering brokers and giving them the tools they need to succeed. We offer a range of loan programs, including conventional, FHA, and VA loans, as well as specialized products for unique borrower needs such as jumbo loans and renovation loans. Our innovative solutions, like Rocket Pro Insight, provide real-time loan status tracking, ensuring transparency and efficiency throughout the lending process.

In addition to our loan offerings , we provide comprehensive training and educational resources to help brokers expand their knowledge and expertise in the mortgage industry. We believe that by equipping brokers with the right tools and knowledge, they can better serve their clients and achieve success in their businesses.

Rocket Mortgage’s Bully Shield initiative is just one example of our commitment to supporting brokers. We understand that the mortgage industry is constantly evolving, and brokers face numerous challenges in their day-to-day operations. That’s why we are dedicated to providing ongoing support and resources to help brokers navigate these challenges and thrive in their businesses.

In conclusion, Rocket Mortgage is proud to stand with brokers and support their autonomy in choosing the lenders they want to work with. Our Bully Shield initiative is a testament to our commitment to empowering brokers and ensuring their success. We believe that by providing financial backing and resources, we can help brokers overcome the obstacles they face and achieve their goals in the mortgage industry. Join us in challenging divisive policies and standing up for broker freedom. Together, we can create a more inclusive and collaborative mortgage industry that benefits everyone involved.

What are the potential drawbacks to Rocket Mortgage’s new initiative?

While Rocket Mortgage’s new initiative, “Bully Shield,” may seem enticing to some mortgage industry professionals who are hesitant to comply with UWM’s guidelines, it’s important to consider the potential drawbacks of this program. Here are a few potential concerns:

1. Legal Uncertainty: Rocket Mortgage’s offer to financially back brokers who choose not to comply with UWM’s conditions could potentially lead to legal issues. Although Rocket Mortgage has stated that it will cover court costs, there is no guarantee that brokers will be shielded from all legal consequences. Engaging in legal battles can be time-consuming, costly, and may harm a broker’s reputation.

2. Damage to Relationships: Taking a stance against UWM and openly supporting brokers who choose not to comply with their guidelines could strain relationships within the industry. UWM is a major player in the wholesale lending space, and brokers who align themselves with Rocket Mortgage may face backlash or strained partnerships with other industry stakeholders.

3. Potential Loss of Support: While Rocket Mortgage’s initiative may provide some financial relief and freedom of choice for brokers, it’s important to consider the potential loss of support that may come from severing ties with UWM. UWM has established itself as a leading wholesale lender with a strong broker-centric approach, and brokers who choose to work with Rocket Mortgage may miss out on the benefits and support that UWM offers.

4. Impact on Funding and Resources: It’s worth considering the long-term impact of Rocket Mortgage’s initiative on their own funding and resources. By financially backing brokers who choose not to comply with UWM’s additional financial responsibilities. This could potentially strain their resources and limit their ability to invest in other areas of their business, such as technology improvements or expanding their product offerings.

5. Potential Reputational Risks: Rocket Mortgage’s decision to openly challenge UWM’s policies may result in reputational risks. Some industry professionals and clients may view this move as divisive or opportunistic, which could impact Rocket Mortgage’s brand image and reputation in the industry.


Rocket Mortgage’s new initiative, “Bully Shield,” aims to support brokers who choose not to comply with UWM’s divisive guidelines. While this may seem appealing to some mortgage industry professionals, it’s important to consider the potential drawbacks of this program. Legal uncertainty, strained relationships, potential loss of support, impact on funding and resources, and reputational risks are all factors to consider before deciding whether to participate in Rocket Mortgage’s initiative. As with any business decision, it’s crucial to weigh the benefits and drawbacks and make an informed choice that aligns with your goals and values as a mortgage industry professional.

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