Silicon Valley Bank Failure. Good For The Mortgage Market? YES!

Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) is a financial institution that is widely known for its specialization in providing banking services to technology startups and venture capitalists. Founded in 1983, it has been instrumental in funding and supporting the growth of many successful technology companies. However, in the early 2000s, the bank experienced a major setback that led to its near-collapse.

The Failure of Silicon Valley Bank

The failure of SVB began in the late 1990s, during the dot-com bubble. During this period, the bank made a significant amount of money by lending to technology startups that were rapidly growing and attracting huge amounts of venture capital funding. However, when the bubble burst in 2000, many of these startups failed, and the bank was left with a large number of non-performing loans.

Compounding the issue was the fact that the bank had become heavily reliant on lending to technology startups and venture capitalists, and had not diversified its loan portfolio. This meant that when the tech bubble burst, the bank was left with few options to recover the funds it had lent out. The bank was forced to write off a significant portion of its loan portfolio, leading to large losses and a decrease in its capital reserves.

In addition to its over-reliance on technology startups, the bank had also made significant investments in real estate, particularly in California. However, when the housing market crashed in 2007, the value of these investments plummeted, further exacerbating the bank’s financial problems.

The bank’s situation was worsened by the fact that it was heavily regulated and subject to strict capital requirements. This meant that it was unable to raise additional capital from the market, and had to rely on its existing reserves to weather the storm.

Recovery and Lessons Learned

The near-collapse of SVB was a wake-up call for many financial institutions, particularly those that specialize in providing banking services to technology startups and venture capitalists. It highlighted the need for these institutions to diversify their loan portfolios and not rely too heavily on a single industry or sector.

SVB was eventually able to recover from its financial troubles, thanks to a combination of cost-cutting measures and a focus on more stable sources of revenue, such as lending to more established technology companies. The bank also underwent significant changes in its leadership, with a new CEO and board of directors appointed to guide its recovery.

Today, SVB is once again a successful and profitable financial institution, providing banking services to technology startups and venture capitalists. However, the lessons learned from its near-collapse still resonate in the financial industry, reminding us of the importance of risk management and diversification in the banking sector.


The failure of Silicon Valley Bank in the early 2000s was a significant event in the history of the financial industry. It highlighted the dangers of over-reliance on a single industry or sector, and the importance of diversification in loan portfolios. However, the bank was eventually able to recover, and today serves as a reminder of the importance of risk management and prudent lending practices in the banking sector.

As a leading provider of banking services to technology startups and venture capitalists, Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) is always in the news, with its activities and announcements closely watched by the financial and tech communities. In this blog post, we will look at some recent news about SVB and what it means for the bank and its customers.

Expansion of SVB’s Global Services

In February 2022, SVB announced the expansion of its global services to help startups and venture capitalists navigate the complexities of doing business across borders. The bank launched a suite of services that includes foreign exchange, cross-border payments, and global treasury management, among others. This expansion is part of SVB’s efforts to provide more comprehensive services to its clients and to support their growth in international markets.

According to Marc Cadieux, Head of Global Payments and Cash Management at SVB, “As our clients’ businesses continue to expand globally, we are committed to providing them with the tools and services they need to succeed. With our expanded global services, we can help our clients simplify their cross-border transactions and manage their finances more efficiently.”

Partnerships with Other Companies

SVB has also been active in forming partnerships with other companies to provide additional services to its clients. In October 2021, the bank announced a partnership with T-Mobile for Business to provide banking services to T-Mobile’s small business customers. This partnership allows T-Mobile’s customers to open a business checking account with SVB and access its suite of banking services.

In a similar move, in November 2021, SVB announced a partnership with Carta, a leading provider of equity management software, to integrate their services and offer a more streamlined experience for customers. With this partnership, SVB customers can access Carta’s equity management platform directly from their SVB accounts, simplifying the process of managing their equity.

Investments in Climate Change and Sustainability

SVB has also made significant investments in climate change and sustainability, reflecting the growing interest in ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investing among its clients. In September 2021, the bank announced the launch of the Climate Innovation Fund, a $130 million fund dedicated to investing in startups focused on addressing climate change.

According to Aaron Gershenberg, Managing Director and Head of SVB’s Sustainable Energy Group, “We are seeing a significant shift in the investment community towards climate change and sustainability, and our clients are no exception. With the Climate Innovation Fund, we can support the development of innovative solutions that address one of the most pressing challenges of our time.”


SVB’s recent news reflects its ongoing efforts to provide more comprehensive services to its clients and to support their growth in international markets. The bank’s partnerships with other companies and investments in climate change and sustainability are also a reflection of its commitment to addressing the evolving needs of its clients and the broader investment community.

As the financial and tech industries continue to evolve, SVB will likely remain at the forefront of innovation, providing banking services and support to the startups and venture capitalists that are driving these changes.